Singing Guide: The Gaslight Anthem

Singing Guide: The Gaslight Anthem

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you want to learn how to sing like Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem, there are several steps to follow. Fallon's voice has a distinctive rough edge, similar to other rock vocalists like Bruce Springsteen and Tom Petty. His voice emphasizes emotional delivery over technical perfection. Here are some tips to learn from his style:

  1. Work on pronunciation and articulation. Like Springsteen and other rock vocalists, Fallon places emphasis on clear and precise delivery of lyrics. Practicing with songs with dense lyrics and focusing on enunciation can help you improve in this area.
  2. Develop a strong chest voice. Fallon's voice often has a growling or gritty quality. To achieve this sound, make sure you are engaging your chest voice and experimenting with breath control.
  3. Use vibrato sparingly. Fallon doesn't emphasize vibrato as heavily as some other singers, so it's important to make sure it's used sparingly if you're aiming for his style. Try practicing with songs that have less sustained notes and more staccato delivery.
  4. Experiment with mixed voice. The Gaslight Anthem often switches between chest and head voice for emphasis and effect. Practicing this technique can lead to more dynamic and emotive singing.
  5. Choose songs that showcase his style. There are a number of Gaslight Anthem songs that can help you practice your Fallon-style singing, such as "Great Expectations," "The '59 Sound," and "American Slang."

To assist you in training, Singing Carrots offers different resources, such as:

In addition, Singing Carrots' articles cover various topics to help you improve your singing, such as breathing techniques, how to analyze your own voice, resonation, voice registers and vocal breaks, and more.

In conclusion, if you want to learn how to sing like Brian Fallon from The Gaslight Anthem, focus on clear enunciation, strong chest voice, dynamic mixed voice and vibrato use, and work with songs that showcase his style. Singing Carrots offers valuable resources and exercises to help hone your skills for and achieve that coveted raw, emotive sound.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.